Creating a calendar widget in Filament and Laravel

A recent personal project required a calendar that I could add and edit events for, lots of JS options but not many Laravel options.

I decided to go with a Filament project and install the saade/filament-fullcalendar package, here's how I set it all up.


You need to make sure you first have Laravel installed and Filament, before you can install the full-calendar package.

In your command line, run the following:

composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app

composer require filament/filament:"^3.2" -W

php artisan filament:install --panels

php artisan make:filament-user

You will probably want your calendar to display events or tasks, you need to create a model for this.

For the purpose of this tutorial we have a model Event with the following migration.

Schema::create('events', function (Blueprint $table) {


composer require saade/filament-fullcalendar:^3.0

You then need to register FilamentFullCalendarPlugin in the app/Providers/Filament/AdminPanelProvider.php file.

use Saade\FilamentFullCalendar\FilamentFullCalendarPlugin; 
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
    return $panel

Then, in the command line, create the widget - this is the calendar functionality and can then be used anywhere within Filament.

php artisan make:filament-widget CalendarWidget

If you look at the widget created you should find the following code:


namespace App\Filament\Widgets;

use Saade\FilamentFullCalendar\Widgets\FullCalendarWidget;

class CalendarWidget extends FullCalendarWidget
     * FullCalendar will call this function whenever it needs new event data.
     * This is triggered when the user clicks prev/next or switches views on the calendar.
    public function fetchEvents(array $fetchInfo): array
        // You can use $fetchInfo to filter events by date.
        // This method should return an array of event-like objects. See:
        // You can also return an array of EventData objects. See:
        return [];

The fetchEvents function is where you can query the model (Events) you want to display on the calendar.

public function fetchEvents(array $fetchInfo): array
        return Event::query()
            ->where('starts_at', '>=', $fetchInfo['start'])
            ->where('ends_at', '<=', $fetchInfo['end'])
                fn (Event $event) => [
                    'title' => $event->id,
                    'start' => $event->starts_at,
                    'end' => $event->ends_at,
                    'allDay' => $event->allDay

Extending the calendar

FullCalendarPlugin accepts a variety of config options, you can use most of these by setting them in the app/Providers/Filament/AdminPanelProvider.php file.

I wanted the calendar to start on a Monday and only show week-by-week, so I passed the following config to the plugin.

            'initialView' => 'dayGridWeek', // show week by week
            'firstDay' => 1, // start the week on a Monday
            'eventDisplay' => 'block', // render a solid rectangle

Adding or editing events

You'll notice above the calendar is an 'Add Event' button or similar (the text depends on your model name), you can modify the creation form that pops up adding a headerActions function in your CalendarWidget.php.

Filament handles all the real "work" we just need to tell it what fields to handle.

protected function headerActions(): array
        return [
                ->label('Create event') // change the label of the button
                    function (Form $form, array $arguments) {
                            'start' => $arguments['start'] ?? null, // if a date is selected it will autofill
                            'end' => $arguments['end'] ?? null,
                            'allDay' => true, // the default is an all day event

You can do the same for editing or deleting by adding a modalActions function to the same file.

protected function modalActions(): array
        return [
                    function (CalEvent $record, Form $form, array $arguments) {
                            'title' => $record->name,
                            'start' => $record->start,
                            'end'   => $record->end,
                            'allDay' => $record->allDay,

You now have a working calendar!

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