Programmatically creating nodes in Drupal 10


At work there was a discussion over moving 100’s of articles from a very old Drupal 7 installation over to the newer Drupal 10 CMS powering the current site. We have two sites: old cms on a subdomain and new cms on the main domain. The requirement was to combine the two and no longer use the subdomain.

Getting the data out

Due to the drastic changes between Drupal 7 and 10, a simple DB migration wasn’t possible.

The Drupal 7 installation did however have an API (/api/articles) that returned enough information about each node.

Custom module

Create a custom module with a single route (/article-import) and controller.

For basic node creation this is all you need.


namespace Drupal\articles_import\Controller;

use Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface;
use \Drupal\node\Entity\Node;

 * Class DefaultController.
class DefaultController extends ControllerBase

  public function articles_import()

    $client = \Drupal::httpClient();

    try {

			// If you are getting the json from an external API
      $response = $client->get('');

      // If you are getting the json from a local articles.json file stored within your module
			$response = file_get_contents(\Drupal::service('extension.list.module')->getPath('articles_import') . '/data/articles.json');
			// make the json usable
			$articles = json_decode($response, TRUE);

      foreach ($articles as $result) {
        foreach ($result['results'] as $data) {

					// Create a node and set the content type
          $node = Node::create(['type' => 'article']);

					// set the title

					// Use data to set the timestamps as in the past

					// Publish the node

    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      // handle your exception here

		print "Content Imported";


Extending this module


Context: The nodes can be associated with a category taxonomy

 // Get the category name from the json
 $categoryName = $data['category'];

 // Check if Drupal already has a category taxonomy entry of $categoryName
 $terms = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
   ->loadByProperties(['name' => $categoryName, 'vid' => 'article_category']);

 if (!$terms) {

	 // If Drupal does not have the category already, create it
	 $term = Term::create([
	   'name' => $categoryName,
     'vid' => 'article_category',
 } else {

   // The category already exists, so use it
	 $term = reset($terms);

 // Save the category against the node
 $node->article_category[] = [
	 'target_id' => $term->id(),


Context: Your node has date field that you need to populate with a timestamp

// For the most basic created_at dates you can simply use a timestamp

// If you have a non-standard date field that you want to populate
$originalDateTime = \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $data['creation_date']);
// Format the timestamp from the json to match your required format
$dateTimeString = $originalDateTime->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s');
// Save the new formatted date against the node


Context: Take an image url and save the image into the new CMS and set it against the node.

// If your json data includes a url to an image
if (isset($data['primary_image']['original'])) {
	// Create file object using the image url
  $imgName = $data['primary_image'];
  $imgName = explode("?", $imgName)[0];
  $imgName = basename($imgName);
  $imgData = file_get_contents($data['primary_image']['original']);

  if ($imgData) {
		// Change your image storage settings as required
	  $file_repository = \Drupal::service('file.repository');
	  $image = $file_repository->writeData($imgData, "public://$imgName", FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_REPLACE);
		// This assumes you are using module
		// Create the Media object and assign the image to it
    $image_media = Media::create([
	    'name' => $imgName,
      'image_caption' => $data['title'],
      'bundle' => 'image',
      'uid' => 1,
      'langcode' => \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId(),
      'status' => 1,
      'field_image' => [
	      'target_id' => $image->id(),
      'field_date' => $data['creation_date'],
		// Save the Media object

		// Save the image id against the node image field
	    'target_id' => $image_media->id(),

	} // End if ($imgData)

} // End if json includes image

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